Home Forums Breeding and Selection Just bought a pure trio

1 reply, 2 voices Last updated by Kenny Troiano 5 years, 4 months ago
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    • #11492

      Kurdiansyah Xiao

      I just bought a pure trio from well known breeder. A cock and two hens. They are not full bro sis. How is the breeding program to keep them all pure in long time? I decide not to bring outside blood.

    • #11495

      Kenny Troiano

      Start by breeding that cock to both hens and produce as many offspring as possible. If they are good representatives of their breed and meet your standards, I would line-breed their best offspring to them. At this point, I would create a separate lines using the cock as one line, and the two hens as their own lines. This will get you started in the right direction. 

      I will be posting my “Family Improvement Program” soon, which will give you the complete breeding program, and all its phases.

      Check this program – The Practice of Line-Breeding (click here)

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