Home Forums General Discussion Skipping feed day

6 replies, 4 voices Last updated by Anonymous 5 years, 3 months ago
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    • #11665


      Does anyone in the academy like to skip feed day. I usually skip a day every 6 to 10 days. Keeps the hungry and helps prevent rats. Also like to feed in the morning except for summer time to prevent rats also

    • #11672

      Kenny Troiano

      ya know, Brooks, years ago, that was my normal practice. I would use Sundays as my “No Feed Day”. I liked that practice. For some reason I stopped doing it. I’m thinking about starting it up again.

      This gives the birds a chance to clean up any and all feed laying in the litter. It makes them work harder to find food. It saves on the yearly feed bill, and you are right, it does make it harder for mice and rats.

      That’s a great idea, and one I recommend.

    • #11693



      Very interesting. 24 hour fast for the mature chickens. I like that idea. I’m going to try that very soon. Thanks Brooks!

    • #11701


      A lot of old timers around Louisiana do this. I learned this from my dad hes always said its good to keep them a little hungry. I noticed when i stopped skipping they wouldnt eat as fast kinda. Leave a lot of feed on the ground and rats would come and eat it at night so i started skipping again and i just find it works better less left over and they stay hungry.

    • #11702


      I usually move my cages the day after a skip day too.

      • #11708

        Kenny Troiano

        Moving the birds, on “No Feed Day” is a real good idea. Well put Brooks!

    • #11720


      I haven’t fed on a Sunday in twenty years. Generally use Sundays as a work day and water cup scrubbing day.

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