Home Forums General Discussion Brother sister mating from different clutches

7 replies, 2 voices Last updated by Kenny Troiano 5 years, 3 months ago
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    • #11738


      Can I breed brother sister from different clutches with the same result?

    • #11740

      Kenny Troiano

      Are these full brother and sister?

      Are you using them for the stage 2 of the founders program? If not, what are your intentions with this breeding?

      I just want to be clear.

    • #11744


      Hi I am starting a new line of asils I crossed out to another line of asils unrelated then back in … So now they are 3/4 -1/4 bred so now I want to lock them in  but the brother and sister are about 5 mo apart in age…

    • #11754


      Thank you for the info… But I’m still confused … I bred brother sister then I have 1st generation inbred off spring , do I line bred back to their parents or do I breed brother sister again then breed back 2nd generation inbred to the 1st generation ? It reads some breeders breed 3 generation brother sister then line breed and sometimes up to 5 or 6 what do you recommend?  On my American game they are line bred to the hen side  and are uniformed I will inbreed once and carry on line breeding , but my asils come varied in size and color mainly the stags not so much the hens…

      • #11755

        Kenny Troiano

        I might have misunderstood where you are at. Let me try again. lol.

        If I miss the mark again, we may need to talk about on the phone. It might be easier that way.

        So, I’m assuming we are talking about your Aseels. You already bred brother to sister (inbreeding). If the offspring are good representatives, you should start your line-breeding program by breeding the best pullet(s) to the father and breeding the best stag to his mother.

        You can do another inbreeding program (2nd generation), but that would only be necessary if there is still much improvement needed in the offspring.

        As far as your American Games, You mentioned you are already line-breeding them to the hen, and they are coming uniform. That’s good.

        My question, did you establish multiple lines? Because, when you reach 15/16 or 7/8 you will need to do a line-crossing. This would require a separate line of the same family. If so, do a line-cross with the other line. If not, you have 2 choices. You can breed to another bird of the same family, but not from the same line, if you have one. Or you can do an inbreeding program (brother to sister) and then reestablish multiple lines within the family in the next generation.

        If that is a problem you will need to infuse outside blood, which as dangerous to the line and should be your last resort.

        You want to stay as close to the Founders Program as possible.

        If I missed the mark, and you have more questions and answers, let me know. We can talk on the phone or through Facebook voice chat if necessary.

    • #11756


      Hey Kenny I got it now 👍 thank you for getting me back on point ,I tend to over think things…

      • #11759

        Kenny Troiano

        No problem, that’s what I am here for. If you ever feel uncertain or confused, let me know. It helps me to clarify me message and the material.

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