4 replies, 2 voices Last updated by Anonymous 5 years, 1 month ago
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    • #11973


      Hey everyone I’ve been having problems with worms lately I dewormed about a month ago and rewormed 10 days later and that usually does the trick. But it’s been raining here everyday for a week straight. I guess it’s giving my birds an outbreak since it can’t dry up and it’s muddy everywhere. Any ideas??


    • #11975

      Kenny Troiano

      Hey Brooks, I have a question: what make you believe they have worms? What are the symptoms?

    • #11976


      Wormy poo. And I guess pale face could be heat though.

      • #11979

        Kenny Troiano

        Pale face could be due to the molt and heat, same with their droppings. 

        I would pick up the birds, gently right now, and check their weights and muscle/flesh. are they thin?

        next, I would go out at night, scoop up some poop, lay it out on cardboard and dig through it. Any worms in the droppings?

        are they active and healthy looking?

        I would not worm unless necessary. Most worm too much or when not needed. Wormers are toxic, and should only be used when necessary. 

        I hope that helps. 

        Ps: I have not needed to worm my birds in years (maybe 10 + years)

    • #11996


      I think it’s due to the weather conditions around here. It stays wet for long periods of time. They feel good in the hand and they are seeming to act better each day it gets dryer. Been using something called Mr. As in their water to help.

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