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2 replies, 2 voices Last updated by Anonymous 5 years ago
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    • #12031


      What did you all think of the recent Bred to Perfection Podcasts episode 28 featuring Aaron Baker, episodes 30, 31, and 33  featuring me, Don Schrider, and episode 7 featuring Jack Dodd? All three of us come from exhibition poultry and I thought there was great information in each of these (and I always enjoy all the breeder interviews/roundtables) – after all poultry is poultry. Before I agree to do any more of these podcasts with Kenny and Nancy, would really like to see if you members find them informative. Thanks,


    • #12040


      I liked them. It’s cool to hear different perspectives. I like how Jack Dodd talks about double mating which I think I can use but i also like how you said you dont and should be able to produce good hens and roosters from the same mating. Also not sure if youra Bruce Lee fan but when you said ifi say I raise the best brown Longhorns you’d say I’m bragging and if I told you I didnt you’d know I’m lieing.  It’s almost just like a quote from him. I like your philosophy sir.

      • #12041


        I am a Bruce Lee fan – though I realize he was human. But his integration of philosophy appeals to me – plus he was fast and skilled. Thanks for the reply.

        I liked Jack’s show too. I don’t remember meeting him when I came out to the left coast one year. But must say the folks in California really seemed to want to have a good time and they included me… It was January and the night time temps were in the 50s and they were all cold. Doc Patterson and I were standing outside the bar talking to Jim Sallee and Al Watts and started laughing at them. We had to explain it was 5 degrees F when I left PA and it was -10 when he left Michigan, so 50 felt warm to us. I think that was in 1999. Saw some of the best conditioned birds in the junior class.

        Anyway, I think what Kenny is doing here can benefit all poultry people…


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