Home Forums Health Care and Disease Prevention Ammonia Versus bleach

2 replies, 3 voices Last updated by Kenny Troiano 4 years, 9 months ago
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    • #12170


      I know many people clean water cups, feeders, and whatever else w bleach/water. I was wondering if anyone prefers Ammonia over bleach. I’ve read where ammonia is the only thing that can kill the oocysts that cause coccidiosis and bleach won’t penetrate the oocysts. For the last year I’ve been using ammonia all things chicken and spreading ammonia sulfate on the ground where I move my pens and four by fours for stags. Thoughts?

    • #12421


      Did you ever get an answer to your question?

    • #12427

      Kenny Troiano

      When I clean my equipment, or feeders and waterers, I like to use bleach. Then I set them in the sun to dry. Once you get the dirt off the sun is a great disinfectant.

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