Home Forums Feeding and Nutrition Weight loss at maturity

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3 replies, 2 voices Last updated by Kenny Troiano 4 years, 8 months ago
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    • #12443


      Hi Kenny,

      I have noticed in my quail (Coturnix japonica) that when they reach approximately 12 weeks of age, they drop about an ounce in weight. This is also around the time that their droppings get loose and watery, and the coop starts having an ammonia smell.
      According to the Podcast with Jeff Mattocks (episode 2) the watery droppings and ammonia smell is from too much protein. I recently had Alyssa Walsh (Fertrell) reformulate my feed which did include lowered protein for the breeder/layers. It hasn’t been long enough to see any results just yet, it’s only been a few days.

      Would the excess protein (and increased water intake) cause weight loss? Or could it be something else?

      Thank you for any insight.


    • #12459

      Kenny Troiano

      Hello Stephanie,

      That would be my first guess as well. As I was reading your message, I was thinking it could be the excess protein. I’m so happy to see that you contacted Fertrell.

      If this does not improve, I would check for worms. An infestation of worms can cause running droppings and weight loss.

      Let me know if you see an improvement in the next few weeks, or not.


    • #12460



      I also wondered about worms, but all my birds are raised off the ground in cages. So were countless generations before them. Don’t they have to be in contact with the soil to get worms?

      Thank you


      • #12462

        Kenny Troiano

        If they are always raised in cages, then worms are most likely not the problems.

        Let’s see how the change in feed (protein) helps.

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