2 replies, 2 voices Last updated by Anonymous 4 years, 7 months ago
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    • #12562


      Hi I was just wondering your thoughts on Mareks. If I find that a certain line or strain has Mareks should I be culling or not breeding that particular line? Would it indicated a genetic weakness? I know Mareks is so random and everywhere but I didn’t know if it would affect or would weaker birds have it or get it more over birds that are not? I don’t vaccinate but I have had some of my customers purchase birds from me that had Mareks and they had to put down, I was just curious if it could be part of my genetics or flock immunity resistance. Thanks

    • #12567

      Kenny Troiano

      Marek’s is everywhere, that is true. However, very few strains express this disease in high numbers. However, some strains do express it more than others, and some not at all. I once had a strain that would express Marek’s 50% of the time. This was a problem. I eventually got rid of that family.

      Most farms see this maybe 5% or less. In most cases, this should not be a problem. I would certainly not eliminate a family for Marek’s that is expressed at a low rate of occurrence. Marek’s is a difficult disease to select against, but if you see from your records that a particular hen or cock’s offspring are more susceptible than the rest, you could cull those breeders and improve your results.

    • #12585


      Thanks Kenny that is interesting information, thank you!

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