I made a couple this year, that have 1/2” hardware cloth about 3 1/2” from the bottom for the floor. 3’ x 4’x30”tall and out of 3/4 inch plywood. The roof is flat and hinged, so I can open and reach down inside to feed/water. There is a sliding door on one end, about 12”x18”, which can be removed to allow chicks to range out on the ground. If you have a hen in there with them even better, you can butt one of those square meter pens up against the opening on the end of the brooder. It keeps the hen sort of confined and the chicks can come and go through the larger sized wire. It is kind of heavy, but works pretty well. I remove the sliding door in the morning and close it up at night. I do have a light in there plugged into a timer, so when weather was bad I left it closed all day, no problems. As far as ventilation, you can prop the roof open a couple inches with a piece of 2”x4” or scrap.