Home Forums General Discussion How do YOU Catch a Chicken?

3 replies, 3 voices Last updated by Anonymous 4 years, 3 months ago
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    • #13011


      Hey all,


      I have a ridiculous question that I want to throw out there.

      What is your method for catching chickens for hands on examination?


      i do have a reason for asking. I need a better way to catch my chickens because my old way doesn’t work for me.


      I was in a car accident 18 months ago. Long story short, it no longer affects my life on a daily basis except that it is now very difficult for me to get a hold of my chickens. As a result, I don’t get my hands on them nearly as often as I should. I want to change that.

      I’m looking for ideas to compensate. I’ve seen the leg-catch poles, but I wonder if those are more or less stressful on the birds.

      hit me up with ideas! What works for you to minimize stress on your birds as well as your own body?

    • #13012


      I use a fishing net. I don’t know if it is any less stressful on the bird but it saves me from having to pull on there tails or legs. I use these rubber ones so they don’t get all tangled up in it. The smaller the holes the better   I don’t know if it is any less stressful on the bird but it saves me from having to pull on there tails or legs.

    • #13055

      Kenny Troiano

      I use a fishing net too. I sometimes use a hook, especially when the net is too big in tight quarters. But the fishing net is the easiest and safest.

    • #13160


      Thank you Corey and Kenny! I appreciate your feedback and now have a brand new net for moving birds this weekend.

      This community is the best!

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