Home Forums Genetics and Laws of Inheritance Basic Mendelailian Genetics

3 replies, 3 voices Last updated by Kenny Troiano 3 years, 3 months ago
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    • #13047


      I’ve spent years drawing Punnett squares trying to understand exactly what I needed to do to purify traits in my birds….I learned the basics of dominate and recessive genes, eugenic traits, polygenic traits, and still the answer of how to improve my fowl eluded me. I was able to maintain a strain of fowl for years by line breeding but I couldn’t, in practice figure out how to intensify the traits I wanted to. I’ve bred and hatched as many as 500 chicks in one year looking for the answer using line breeding. I now realize that inbreeding is the missing key that I needed. I’m so excited to continue on the journey with my birds!

    • #13057

      Kenny Troiano

      absolutely! inbreeding if used properly is a valuable too. If used wrong, disastrous!

      You will also find that line-crossing is the missing link that makes line-breeding successful. That is why most fail to create a strain, or fail to see positive results when line-breeding.


    • #14061


      Is there a article explaining or chart or graph showing exactly the correct and incorrect way of inbreeding?

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