Home Forums General Discussion July 2020 Updates (please read)


2 replies, 3 voices Last updated by Anonymous 3 years, 1 month ago
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    • #13164

      Kenny Troiano

      Hello everyone,

      Hope July is treating you good.

      I just wanted to let you know that I’m always looking for ways to improve the Academy and make it user friendly. So, I have simplified the menus, and created banners and buttons (to important links) to help you find the information you need and want most.

      I would also like to improve community interactions in the forums. I notice that whenever I respond to comments in the forums, the discussion stops. So, what I would like to do, is for me (Kenny Troiano) to stay out of the discussions in the forums, and let you and other members discuss and share your knowledge and experience, thoughts and ideas, and talk about how things are going. The forum will be the place for you and other members to hang out and get to know each other.

      But, not to worry. I will still be available to answer all your questions and help you through the breeding process. I’m not going anywhere. The best place to contact me (Kenny Troiano) is in my profile page, as a private message. I’m hoping this is fine with you. It shouldn’t be a problem, because that’s where most members are talking with me presently. Most of the questions I get from my members are in private messaging.

      For now, I will continue to answer questions in the Comments Boxes as well. I check the comments everyday. So, feel free to ask your questions in those two places. Most pages have a comment box at the bottom of the page. I get a notification anytime a member post in those boxes.

      What about emails and facebook messages? I would not suggest contacting me through email or facebook. This is due to the volume of traffic in those places, it’s not as efficient. The best place to contact me or ask questions is here, on the Academy, in private messaging or in the comments boxes. I get a lot of emails, and it’s easy to miss the important ones, like yours. And, I also get a lot of facebook messages, so those get missed as well.

      If you have a question or concern about these new updates, please comment or send me a message. I never want you to feel lost, frustrated, or neglected. It’s my priority to make sure you get the information you need and want most.

      Thank you,

      Kenny Troiano

      • This topic was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by Kenny Troiano.
    • #13236


      Hello Everyone, I from Alabama, i have been around different breeds of chickens since I was a about 9 or 10. Im 33 now. So I actually got my own chickens about 3 years ago. I wanted a rare breed to help preserve a rare breed here in the United States. So, I did some research on the National Poultry Conservation site and decided to go with Malays. Took me about 2 years before actually getting my hands on a pair of Malays that actually met the standard. I didn’t realize it at the time but there is alot of chicken peddlers out there and people that might honestly think they have malays that was sold to them and they are selling them as pure. That have not read or did the research on the breed. But, never the less I ended up buying live birds from a breeder in Kentucky, and got my other blood line from a breeder in Florida. I have 2 Malay Blood lines with 1 cock and 2 hens of each. I look forward to learning and taking the information from The Breeders Academy to improving my back yard flock..

    • #14179


      Hi J.

      I don’t have your choice of birds but I did join The Breeders Academy to improve my project birds and back yard flock. I also went to the National Poultry Conservation site to find a bird to work on and picked a Rose Comb Rhode Island white. I got in over my head and have too many different breeds now and trying to make the hard decision which ones I want to concentrate on. So hard to do.

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