Home Forums Breeding and Selection How to identify a gamefowl from what breed?

2 replies, 2 voices Last updated by Anonymous 4 years, 2 months ago
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    • #13191


      Hi everyone,

      I’m new to the American gamefowls and I’m trying to gain the knowledge.  How do you identify a gamefowl from what breed when you look at it especially if it’s crossed?  I believe it’s hard enough to identify a cock, a hen seems to be even harder.  I can guess between a kelso and a hatch by looking at their legs.  However, I can’t tell the difference between a kelso and a yellow leg hatch or a roundhead…etc.  If you know of any websites/books/video clips regarding to this, can you share them here?

      Thanks everyone!


    • #13194

      Nancy Troiano

      Hi Alan,

      The best way to recognize an American Game, compared to other games or domestic chickens is by their type and conformation of body. Kenny has information in the “Members Resource” page that will help you with this. This includes the “Standard of Perfection” page. You will see courses on conformation and color, as well as defects.

      I hope this helps,

      I would love to hear what other members think

      Nancy 😉

    • #13195


      Thank you Nancy!  I will check that out.


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