Home Forums Health Care and Disease Prevention Advice on eye issue?

2 replies, 2 voices Last updated by Anonymous 3 years, 3 months ago
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    • #13990


      Hey chicken peeps! I think I have a problem. Recently I noticed one of my chicks in my grow out pen was holding one eye closed. I opened the lids and the eye looked normal. Slight swelling of the lids and slight pinkness to the tissue. No foul odor. No discharge from the eye or nose. No sneezing or bubbles from the nostrils or eye. It seemed to be acting relatively normal, so I decided maybe someone had pecked it in the eye and I’d monitor it.

      Then I noticed another chick with the same issue a day or so later. One eye. Acting normal otherwise. Eating and drinking.

      Now I have several chicks indoors in my brooders with the same issue. So obviously it’s infectious. I had one chick with two swollen eyes that I culled. My adult birds appear ok so far.

      I’ve started oregano oil and am feeding Jeff’s breeder and show supplement with their All Flock starter feed. I have GQF tower brooders (similar to what TSC had but better heating system) that stay very clean. Food and water are clean. No bedding.

      I’m torn between treating and culling. I’ll cull if I need to, but would like to know what I’m dealing with before I start wiping out my beloved project birds.

      Any ideas?

    • #14063


      After some testing, we’ve discovered the eye issue is from mycoplasma. Is this the end of all of my breeding programs? Will all of my birds have it? Is there any way to salvage this? I know it can travel through the eggs, but could I test certain birds and possibly save some?

    • #14068


      Two choices.  Cull your way thru it and keep a closed flock, or cull everything and start over. That’s about it. The more you cull your way thru it the less it will show itself but itll still be there. Just be careful not to spread it to others. More than likely at this point they all have it. My two cents.

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