Home Forums General Discussion Major Changes Coming, good changes.

2 replies, 2 voices Last updated by Kenny Troiano 3 years ago
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    • #14184

      Kenny Troiano

      Major Changes Coming, good changes.

      We at the Breeders Academy and Bred to Perfection, are making many changes to our podcast and Live shows. For one, we only plan to produce a podcast every two weeks. Second, our live show will only be aired every two weeks as well. So as you can see, we are dialing back on the number of episodes that will be available for the general public.

      The best news is for our members of the Breeders Academy. We are going to produce a weekly podcast/video series, exclusively available for our Grand Master and Master Class Members of the Breeders Academy. The topics will begin with material from the Founders Program, and then we’ll move to the various programs and course throughout the website.

    • #14207


      These changes sound awesome! Some more specific podcast episodes for members would be perfect. Love love love this change and really looking forward to them coming out…

      • #14208

        Kenny Troiano

        Hey Rodney,

        We are excited about that too. It’s going to be a lot of fun. We are recording every Wednesday, and should be posting the first lesson any day. We are starting with the Founders Program and then working on other programs.

        Glad you are looking forward to this too.


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