Home Forums Breeding and Selection The Difference of Main Lines and Sub-Lines

18 replies, 2 voices Last updated by Kenny Troiano 5 years, 3 months ago
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    • #2284

      Kenny Troiano

      I’ve recently been asked by a few of our members, “What is the difference of Main Line or Family Lines and Sub-Lines.” So, I made a chart to illustrate how this works. I will soon add this to the “Founders Program” and I have made it available in the “Resource Chart” page. If you have any questions, please let me know. Your questions and comments helps me to improve the site and its material.

      • This topic was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by Kenny Troiano.
    • #11604


      Is this chart up yet?


      • #11606

        Kenny Troiano

        Here is a chart that shows where the sub-lines play a role in a breeding program. But I plan to create a video that shows the importance and function of sub-lines. I will say this for now. Sub-lines are used to improve individual traits in a strain, or improve multiple traits (that are not correlated) simultaneously.

    • #11605


      Another question. In the founders program after line crossing the pullets stay in that family line which line do yhe stags go? And after the line crossing do you inbreed once again or use those new pullets in line breeding programs?

      • #11607

        Kenny Troiano

        After the Line-crossing phase, the following breeding season, you are going to do two things.

        1) reestablish new line-breeding programs, using your best cocks and hens (improvement program).

        and 2) you are going to create 3 (or more) separate lines and do a clan mating/spiral mating program (maintenance program).

        Both programs will run simultaneously/side by side. In the Maintenance Program you are going to use your best stags or cocks, not being used in the line-breeding program. All stags are marked with the family they originated, but you are only going to breed the best males each year. If a stag/cock happens to be better than his father or grandfather, he replaces them.

        You should also keep a handful of extra stags and cocks from each line as an insurance policy or as backups.

        Does this make sense?

        Let me know if I need to clarify this more.

        Ps. I just looked over the Founders Program – I need to include the Clan-mating/spiral mating system to the program. I plan to improve that program soon to make it more complete and clearer to follow. Such as turning “Stages” to “Phases” and making each Phase a natural next step, but also its own entity. Like I said I’m eager to add the Maintenance Program (clan-mating phase) to it as well. The Founders Program is one of my main priorities. I also plan to create a video webinar to teach this program in another format. To show you how important the Founders Program is – Everything on this website supports that program, and I want the Founders Program to be the best it can be.

        • This reply was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by Kenny Troiano.
    • #11609


      So clan matting is different than line crossing o thought theu were the same?

      • #11611

        Kenny Troiano

        Yes, in many ways they are the same. When you are line-breeding (cloning a cock or hen), and reach 15/16th or 7/8s, you need to avoid the dead end zone, so you will breed the separate line-breeding programs to each other (as long as they are the same family). That is line-crossing.

        Clan-mating/spiral mating is a larger, more extended version of Line-crossing. Once the line is established, I like to run line-breeding (improvement program) and Clan-mating (maintenance programs) at the same time.

        but, yes, essentially they are the same.

    • #11610


      clan matting is in the same line?

      • #11612

        Kenny Troiano

        Clan mating is the breeding of separate lines, but of the same family. This is essentially the basis of my Maintenance Program. I will be posting that soon. I wasn’t in a hurry because none of the members are there yet. Most members are needing the Founders Program. The Founders Program will be my first priority, and it also contains elements fo the Maintenance Program in it.

    • #11614


      No im not at that point either i just want to memorize everything so its second nature. So if your reestablishing new line breeding programs how important is it to clan mate or line cross every year wouldnt that make all the lines closer together and speed up the process of the hybrid vigor of the line cross?

      • #11619

        Kenny Troiano

        I wouldn’t try to memorize this material, I would use this site as a reference guide. Decide where you are at in the program, do that, and learn other information from articles and courses to enhance your knowledge of breeding.

        I would not use line-crossing every year. Use line-crossing every 3 to 5 years to improve genetic diversity.

        Clan mating is a program that can be used continuously to preserve and maintain the family.

    • #11615


      Speed up the process of making the lines more alike and in turn losing some of the hybrid vigor you get from line crossing?

      • #11620

        Kenny Troiano

        To improve a family, the best methods for speeding up the process is through inbreeding and line breeding.

        Line-crossing and clan-mating actually slow down the process of improvement.

    • #11616


      I guess im asking can i wait to clan mate again after i get to 15/16 of new line breedings set after the first line crossing? In order to keep my sub lines more diverse to increase the hybrid vigor for the next line crossing? Or is it somthing that has to be done the following year after the initial line cross? Can you explain why its important to not wait if it is important to do so?

      • #11621

        Kenny Troiano

        I’m having a little difficulty understanding this question.

        Let me take a stab at it…

        Clan-mating is good to use with an established and well-bred family to preserve the bloodline. But, you can use clan-mating right away, or wait, that is up to you.

        The important part is to use line-crossing at 15/16 or 7/8 of a line-breeding program. Then you can reestablish new line-breedings using your best cocks and hens.

    • #11622


      Okay yes i understand. So i basically only have to line cross or clan mate at 15/16 or 7/8 of my line breedings. So about every 3 to 4 years depending on how good the offspring are coming out of the line breedings. I was asking if waiting the 3 to 4 years would be better for keeping the sub lines more diverse. That way they wouldn’t be bred into each of the other sub lines as often and in doing so keep more diversity from other lines of same family. And in doing it that way when i would line cross i could expect more hybrid vigor than i would crossing the lines more frequently. Sorry if i lost you maybe im over thinking this.

      • #11640

        Kenny Troiano

        These questions are great! You are showing me areas where I need to be more clear on the program. I have a few things to get to first, but plan to improve the Founders Programs. You will like what I do with it. The Founders Program is my Signature Program, and every thing on this website is created to support it. Even my other Breeding Programs, which are various segments of the Founders Program. Depending on where you are at with your fowl, will determine which part of the Founders Program you will use. The only program that is not a part of the Founders Program is the Transformation Program. But I have not seen anyone needing that one yet.

        Now, on to your questions:

        Yes, line-crossing is used when you reach 15/16 or 7/8s, or when you start seeing issues with the offspring. Its purpose is to give your lines the genetic diversity they need, without adding outside blood. It’s what makes the whole program work.

        As far as sub-lines, there are two types of sub-lines. one is to separate a line into a number of lines to create more diversity within the family, and to protect the integrity of the main line. And, the other is for improving a specific trait(s).

        Hybrid vigor, in an established family is accomplished by line-crossing. The more distant each line is, the more hybrid vigor is expressed. This is why you should only infuse one line into another every 3 to five years. Not every year.

        This is also why line-crossing is different than clan-mating. Clan-mating is a continuous method of breeding, and is practiced every year.

        line-crossing and clan-mating seem very similar, but have different purposes and objectives.

    • #11655


      Okay just so in clear clan matting is breeding fowl from the same sub line say the red line to the red line and not line crossing such as to the blue or green lines?

      • #11662

        Kenny Troiano

        it would be best for you to call me on the phone. It might be easier that way.

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