Home Forums Breeding and Selection Breeding to Uncles and Aunts

4 replies, 3 voices Last updated by Kenny Troiano 5 years, 5 months ago
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    • #8973

      Kenny Troiano

      Here is a great question from one of our members:

      Ramon: Some time ago I saw an interview with a US breeder who commented that he did not do inbreeding or line-breeding. He said he was mating with Uncles and Aunts. My question is, how effective are the matings of uncles and aunts? I would like to know your opinion. Thanks!

      Kenny Troiano: All methods of mating have their benefits and disadvantages. I prefer to focus on Breeding Programs, which use mating methods to achieve a specific purpose. Such as my Founders Program (Creating a Strain), Maintenance Program (Clan-Mating), Improvement Program (Line-breeding), and my Grading Program (Infusion).

      But, to your question – breeding “Aunts to Nephews” and “Uncles to Nieces” is another form of inbreeding. This is fine if you are looking to maintain purity and avoid inbreeding too close or too intensely. However, it is not a good method if you are into cloning, such as line-breeding, or trying to fix or intensify a trait, as in breeding brother to sister.

      You are better off using breeding programs, but there is no harm in breeding to Aunts and Uncles, just make sure they are healthy, vigorous and have no defects.

      • This topic was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by Kenny Troiano.
    • #10976


      Hola buenos días a todos espero se encuentren bien !

      Yo hice cruce de tío a sobrina y el resultado fue bueno los pollos se ven sanos fuertes y saludables mi pregunta Master uno de estos pollos one sirve para semental y cruzarlo con una prima o una tía o una hermana? Gracias por todo lo que hace por nosotros Dios lo bendiga

      • #10977

        Kenny Troiano

        Depende de qué tan cerca quieras concentrar la línea de sangre. Si solo estás interesado en mantener la sangre pura, entonces criar con la tía o un primo está bien. Pero si desea mejorar la línea y concentrar los genes y corregir los rasgos dentro de la cepa / familia, entonces la crianza para la hermana puede ser la mejor. De cualquier manera que vaya, las gallinas deben tener buena salud, buenos representantes de su tensión y una buena calidad y capacidad de rendimiento.

        English version: It depends on how close you want to concentrate the blood line. If you are just interested in keeping the blood pure, then breeding to the Aunt or a Cousin is fine. But if you want to improve the line and concentrate the genes and fix the traits within the strain/family, then breeding to the sister may be best. Either way you go, the hens must be of good health, good representitatives of your strain, and of good quality and performance ability.

    • #11296


      I have a line of Blacks that I’ve had for close to 20 years. ( Pea combed, Bb blacks, and brown red type coloring)  About 10 years ago I bred some hatch blood into them because I lost most of the brood fowl and had 1 straight bred cock and 1 hen bred 3/4 black 1/4 hatch blood. I’ve bred from these and expanded the line based off different sisters and brothers and also bred back to the cock more than once. Breeding cousins to cousins, and aunts and uncles seems to work the best. Problem now is when I breed father/daughter or mother/son I’ve started to get recessive Red/green leg and also Straight combs to pop up. I’ve never gotten a straight comb since the initial half n half breeding about 14 years ago, till this year.

      • #11302

        Kenny Troiano

        Hello Peaceriver

        Whenever you are crossbreeding, or breeding to hybrid crosses, you are having to deal with a great amount of genetic diversity. There is always a good number of recessive genes, that are normally hidden, but will appear when both parents carry the same recessive trait. Red plumage, green legs and straight combs are all recessive traits.

        • First, don’t breed any individuals that express the recessive traits. You will only perpetuate the trait.
        • Second, select individuals that have the complete package, conformation, color, performance and temperament.
        • Third, cull any birds expressing the recessive train, are substandard, and don’t meet your minimum requirements.

        Remember, they must be good representative of their breed and variety and of your idea of the perfect bird/family.

        No worries, this can be improved through selective breeding. In time these traits will rare be expressed, unless bred to another outside bird carrying the same recessive gene.

        A good example of this is my Maximus Line. They come pea combed every time, but when bred to other birds who are either straight combed or carry the strait comb, I will get some straight combed offspring. This shows me that my Maximus line is not pure for pea comb, but since I am careful not to reintroduce the straight comb, it remains hidden.

        I hope this helps.


        • This reply was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by Kenny Troiano.
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