About Us!

Kenny Troiano – World renowned expert and Master Breeder, Author, Speaker, and certified judge for the American Gamefowl Society.

Kenny has raised American Games for over 45 years. His fascination with breeding began at an early age. However, this was only the beginning of what would turn out to be an incredible journey.

As an apprentice, Kenny was fortunate to have mentors that were experienced and knowledgeable. He studied the principles and practices of many great breeders, and through observation and application, he has determined the common denominators that made them successful. Not only did he gain valuable knowledge from this experience, but he took what he learned and improved his knowledge and skills through hard earned practical experience.

Through the years, Kenny has collected various books, and today he has an extensive library, ranging from poultry breeding to animal breeding, genetics, and evolutionary biology. This collection also includes books on animal science, poultry science and poultry husbandry, and much more.

Kenny followed the works of great scientist of the past, such as, Robert Bakewell, Charles Darwin, Gregor Mendel, Thomas Hunt Morgan, Reginald Punnett, Hugo de Vries, and William Batson. In time he realized the importance of their discoveries and contributions, and how they can be used to improve our present day breeds and strains.

Kenny has a background in Evolutionary Biology, Ornithology, Mendelism and Advanced Genetics, Poultry Science and Practices, as well as, Poultry Husbandry and Management, which includes nutrition, health care and disease prevention.

He is presently recognized as one of the most important figures in the preservation and perpetuation of American and Old English Games, particularly, being one of the early promoters for the implementation and practice of systematic breeding programs, and has developed new, innovative approaches to the breeding of chickens, which has benefited breeders worldwide. Kenny’s approach is said to be more methodical than most, but very effective.

Not only has this led to noticeable improvement in breeds, such as American and Old English Games, but has contributed to the general knowledge of backyard breeders worldwide. He has also become a great proponent of the preservation of endangered breeds, and the breeding and raising of Heritage breeds, which he believes are the future of all backyard communities and small commercial poultry farms.

Today, Kenny writes for a number of periodicals throughout the world, most prominently, “The Poultry Press” and the “Gamecock Magazine.” Also, a breeding instructor for “The Sustainable Poultry Network.” Kenny speaks about the benefits of implementing systematic breeding programs at seminars and workshops throughout the United States.

Kenny has also authored two books

“The Gamefowl Breeders Manual – Volume One and Two,” and dozens of booklets on the breeding and raising of American Games.

Kenny has 3 main goals:

  • To get American Games in every backyard
  • To inspire new breeders, in the hope that we can save and preserve American Games for future generations.
  • To provide every breeder the tools necessary to create, maintain, and improve their breeds and strains, through education and training.

As you can see, Kenny has dedicated his life to the preservation and perpetuation of American Games, and to keeping pure breeds and strains, and to the improvement of all Backyard Breeders worldwide. His goal is to help others to perpetuate the finest fowl possible, and to ensure that future generations can enjoy these magnificent animals.

Kenny: “I will not only change the way you think about breeding, but the way you breed your fowl. If you follow the information I provide, your fowl will improve!”