Home Forums General Discussion Broody Hen

3 replies, 2 voices Last updated by Kenny Troiano 4 years, 6 months ago
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    • #12658


      Hey Guys, I have two hens both had 15 eggs in the nest and neither have started sitting. I have pulled ten eggs from both nests for the incubator. My question is has anyone experienced this or is there anything I can do to make them go broody?

    • #12659

      Kenny Troiano

      Hey Cody, are these you hens or pullets. I mostly see this with immature hens and pullets. If these are pullets, you may need to wait until these bird mature more.

      However, some hens can have a smaller clutch rate (3 to 6 eggs), or a higher clutch rate (16 to 25 eggs), both are abnormal. The normal clutch rate should be 10 to 14 eggs.

      This is a selectable and inheritable trait. If these are fully matured hens, be careful not the produce chicks from hens that are far from the normal clutch rate.

      Select hens that start setting at 10 to 14 eggs.

    • #12660


      Thank you Kenny these are pullets I was starting to become concerned since the person I bought these from strictly incubates his eggs. I read somewhere that its possible to breed the broody out of the hens by not letting them hatch a clutch.

      • #12661

        Kenny Troiano

        yes, broodiness is a selectable trait, so you do want to keep an eye on your hens.

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