Home Forums Health Care and Disease Prevention coccidia vaccinated chicks

3 replies, 2 voices Last updated by Kenny Troiano 5 years ago
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    • #12063


      I have listened to the podcast and have made some of the same mistake you have discussed on there. I ordered meat chickens and got them vaccinated for coccidia. They are only in one barn stall, away from all my other birds.

      Obviously they are only going to be around for a 8 wks. Any advice for what to do with that stall. I use those stalls as my breeding pens, or have in the past. I have never had a problem with coccidia in the past and I dont want to.

      any advice much appreciated.

    • #12069

      Kenny Troiano

      Hey MBird, As soon as those birds are processed, and before you put other birds into that pen, I would clean that pen good by replacing all the litter. If it’s a dirt floor, I would also go down 6 inches or so. But yes, keep the rest of your birds away. It was not fun!

    • #12071


      I’m so glad I listed to your podcast, I was going to move them outside in the main yard for a bit before process day!

      • #12073

        Kenny Troiano

        Hey MBird,

        I really appreciate that, and it means a lot to me any Nancy that the podcast are making a difference in the chicken and gamefowl world. Bred to Perfection is more for those who are interested in creating and improving their strains, but I do have good news. My wife is working on another podcast, which I will be a co-host, called “All Things Chickens”. That show will be geared towards the beginner chicken raiser, but will provide valuable information for those who need it.

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