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3 replies, 3 voices Last updated by Anonymous 1 year, 6 months ago
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    • #14969

      Stacy Wistock

      Is anyone else working on cream legbars (or crele, opal, or isabella), following the Founder’s program? Or is there a way to search the members “preferred breed” in their profile? I’d love to connect with other breeders working on the same breed, and it seems like the standard advice being handed out in opal groups (which I understand are technically lavender, but are being called opal) is to breed back to cream every 1-3 generations “to improve feather quality.” That just seems like needless outcrossing to me, when what “should” be done (following Kenny’s teachings) would be to cull hard and test breed to isolate and remove the “tail shredder” gene that often accompanies lavenders. I’d love to see what others who are working on a strain without crossing have been able to do.

    • #15165

      Samantha Harper

      Hey there, I do have some cream legbars that I do plan on taking through the founders program. I just joined, but I also just bought them about 3 months ago. A trio.
      from what I know of the Lavender gene it also is linked with a shredded feather trait…. I would assume that is what they are referring to. You hear that black split to lavender a lot when dealing with Orpingtons. But with the Legbars I don’t know what would be the ideal cross back.  But if that is what you have to do then looks like you got two families to create and maintain.

    • #15536


      I’m interested in cream legbars if anyone has a pair available.

    • #15537



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