Home Forums Breeding and Selection creating a strain from brother and sister?

9 replies, 4 voices Last updated by Kenny Troiano 4 years, 10 months ago
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    • #11300

      Kenny Troiano

      Hello Angel, Starting a strain from a brother and sister, which are the product of crossing is fine.

      I would like more information about the bloodlines involved, and can you post some pictures of these birds (brother and sister)?

      I have a breeding program, called the Founders Program. Please look it over, and then we can talk more on the subject. Here is the link: (Click Here)



      Hello my name is Angel I have a question I haven’t half and half bird the only closes family member is a sister in a cousin and what I want is to make a line off of this bird his performance is great I showed him twice is cutting abilities it just amazing so I would like to keep this line going

    • #11323


      When you breed brother and sister what do I do next? Do I give the daughters back to the dad? Or the sons back to the mom? To keep the bloodline pure

      • #11324

        Kenny Troiano

        Let’s assume that the cock (F1 brother) and hen (F1 sister) are both good representatives of their breed and variety, and meet your ideals of the perfect cock and hen. For instance, they are of good health and constitutional vigor, free of defects, they have good conformation of body, and they have good color of feather.

        Once you breed the brother to his sister (inbreeding), you cull all substandard F2 offspring, and you select the few that stand out.

        You then breed the best F2 pullets (daughters) to their F1 father.

        And breed the best F2 stag (son) to his F1 mother.

        Next year, breed the F1 cock to his best F3 pullets (granddaughters)

        And breed the F1 hen to her best F3 stag (granddaughter).

        After this breeding we will move into the next phase.

        But make sure you are selecting offspring that are good representatives and are better than their parents. Do not be afraid to cull hard.

    • #12152


      When selecting brother and sister, does it matter if they are from the same clutch? Ive been told even if you use the same cock and hen, the chicks are not genetically as tight if they aren’t hatched together.

      • #12155

        Kenny Troiano

        When selecting brother and sister, does it matter if they are from the same clutch? Ive been told even if you use the same cock and hen, the chicks are not genetically as tight if they aren’t hatched together.

        It does not matter if the are from the same clutch or not, if they are from the same mother and father, they are full sibs. As far as being genetically different, there is always variation between the sibs, and between offspring and parents. This is a good thing, because variation makes selection possible, and selection makes improvement possible.

        Does that help?



    • #12164


      Yes sir this helps thank you Kenny.

    • #12333


      Buenas tardes sr. Kenny!

      Respecto a este tema y los comentarios de los compañeros anteriores. Le comento que acabo de adquirir un par de aves de la linea de Radio del señor jaime cervantes. Un pollo de 8 meses y una gallina de 2 años. Ambos hermanos de padre y madre. Son muy bonitos y saludables, me gusta su fenotipo, caracter y estilo de pelea. El criador de donde los obtuve me comento que tiene mas de 15 años con la familia, pero no ha echo endogamia con ellos, me dijo que solamente reproduce la familia en outcrussing, con sangre radio del mismo criador y alguna vez le metio sangre de otro criador. Me gustaria conservar la sangre por que a tenido muy buen record de peleas ganadas y en un futuro hacer cruzes con la familia de giros que tengo para sacar aves para chow..

      Me gustaria saber su opinion como aparea usted la familia para conservar la sangre. Gracias..

      • #12337

        Kenny Troiano

        Para crear, mejorar y mantener una línea de sangre, debe mantener a la familia pura y nunca introducir sangre externa. Cruzar es la oppisita de la cría familiar.

    • #12335


      Podria criar hermano y hermana ya que el pollo cumpla unos 10 u 11 meses? Y despues la decendencia criarla en linea con ambos padres?

      O tendria que hacer un programa de fundadores? Me gustaria saber su opinion…

      • #12339

        Kenny Troiano

        Yo usaría el Programa de Fundadores.

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