Home Forums General Discussion Egg eating

4 replies, 3 voices Last updated by Anonymous 6 years, 3 months ago
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  • Author
    • #2233


      Egg eating, habit, potential trait, or learned behaviour?


    • #2235

      Kenny Troiano

      Egg eating is a learned behavior. Once the hen likes eating the eggs, it’s a hard habit to break. I would start by moving her to a new, unfamiliar pen. Put her nest box is a dark corner of the pen, and collect the eggs regularly. 

      Also, make sure to provide oyster shells in her diet. This will strengthen the shell and make it harder for her to break the egg. 

    • #2237


      Thanks Kenny 👍

    • #2292


      It is always better to prevent than to regret, I usually use straw or grass in the feathers of the breeding, and it works very well so that they do not sting the eggs and do not eat the feather, something I see very often, in photos or videos (I used to visit to my friends on their farms and I watched until I learned and understood why Kenny would not let me into his farm), where people presume that their stallion ended his season with the feather eaten by the chickens, mine finish with his pen as when they started the breeding season.

    • #2524


      Interesting thank you

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