Home Forums Feeding and Nutrition Feeding Formula for Brood Fowl

11 replies, 3 voices Last updated by Anonymous 4 years, 5 months ago
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    • #3069

      Kenny Troiano

      I just want to let all our members know that I have posted my Feeding Program for Brood Fowl in the Programs page. This formula has worked well for my fowl, and have used it for years. I do adjust it from time to time, and I will make sure to post the most up-to-date versions. 

      Here is the link: 


    • #11522


      I asked my feed store is they carry the all flock and unfortunately they dont but they do have nutrina 22%laying pellets. I remember you said lay pellets arnt good. What makes them bad and would this 22% still be bad mixed im my regular gamefowl conditioning feed which is 16%? The feed mill is Atlas feed mill breaux bridge Louisiana. Just in case anyone wants to know. If it is still bad ill have to stick to the 28% crumble because they dont carry it in a pellet either.

      • #11527

        Kenny Troiano

        The protein looks good, but I am concerned that they are calling it Laying feed. What is the Calcium percent?

    • #11533


      4%calcium but i feed crushed oyster shells on the side would that be okay to supplement the calcium?

      • #11556

        Kenny Troiano

        4% is a bit high. I like 1.5 to 2% calcium. Oyster shells on the side is good.

    • #12778


      Here is the new feed mix. Kenny does this resemble your mix.
      60% protein pellet 20% protein
      20% pegion conditioner w/popcorn 15.5% protein
      5% calf manna
      5% whole cleaned corn (still cool here)
      3% whole oat groats
      3% flax seed
      3% black oil sunflower seeds
      I’ll add fish oil with each feeding and
      I add grit and oyster shell seperate

      • #12780

        Kenny Troiano

        It looks different, but not sure why. Maybe it’s the pigeon mix. I use racing pigeon mix.

        But I like that you are using more pellet than grains. that’s good.

        What kind of pellet are you using? I use the “Nutrina All Flock”

    • #12783


      I compared to the all flock to this flock balancer and feel like it checks off all the blocks. If anything needs to be tweaked or changed I’m open to it. Thank you Kenny

      • #12785

        Kenny Troiano

        I don’t see any big adjustments you should make at the moment. Just feed your birds the formula, and keep an eye on their energy level and activity. Check them out once a month to make sure their bodies feel good and that they are healthy. And, if you are still producing chicks right now, look at the chicks and make sure they are vigorous and active. This is the real test of the feed.

    • #12786

      1. Sounds good Kenny. I have about 100 chicks on the ground now and they are all showing great vigor. I had a similar feed before but with more grain and a layer pellet vs the higher protein booster pellet that I get now from Belle Farms, southern states feed.  I’m interested in seeing how their body’s change and if they have even more vigor. By my calculations I was closer to protein levels of a holding feed at 16%. Now I should be on target. I appreciate you and have a good evening.
    • #12784


    • #12782


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