Home Forums Breeding and Selection Gl out of yl and wl cross.


2 replies, 2 voices Last updated by Anonymous 5 years, 2 months ago
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    • #11877


      My “pure” Kelso is wl and the hen I bred him to is yl but is supposed to only throw wl and yl. They hatched mostly wl offspring, but a few came gl or slate, I’m not good at my colors yet. Either way is it from “infused” blood or not being as “pure” as I thought? All the gl have been pullets.

    • #11888

      Kenny Troiano

      “My “pure” Kelso is wl and the hen I bred him to is yl but is supposed to only throw wl and yl. They hatched mostly wl offspring, but a few came gl or slate, I’m not good at my colors yet. Either way is it from “infused” blood or not being as “pure” as I thought? All the gl have been pullets.”

      White legs are dominant over yellow leg. The yellow leg hen can only pass yellow, or green, if she is carrying the recessive green leg, as it looks like she does.

      The green leg is also a sex-linked trait.

      It’s not so much about the bloodlines that created them, or whether they are pure, but of the genes they are carrying. The fact that all the offspring were not white, shows that the cock is not pure white. The fact that the pullets are green legged, shows that both the cock and hen carry the green legs.

    • #11891


      Oh OK! Thanks! So I’d have to just breed the white leg to purify? If I want to make a separate family of gl reds I could just breed the gl daughters to the wl dad?

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