Home Forums General Discussion How do I manage all the offspring

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    • #15681

      Stephen Hull

      I have a question about logistics.  If your hen is laying 100-150 eggs a year, and you have to wait until they are 18-24 months old before you select the next generation, what type of pen do you keep them in?  I understand that you have separate pens when breeding them, but what about the wait until they are able to mate?  I also know you can cull early and reduce it down, but do you keep a separate set of pens for then until they are of age, one for the cocks and one for the hens?  I would think you would need to keep the males and females apart.  I have seen many males integrated with the hens for long periods and it is not pretty.  It is like a free-for-all with the males ganging up on the hens, sometimes, even killing them.

      I am wanting to know how you would raise them until the group(before selection) is of age to start selecting.


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