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1 reply, 2 voices Last updated by Kenny Troiano 4 years ago
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    • #13295


      Not sure where to post this. Ok I have two types of chickens for example amerucana and Faverolles. I cross the two to come up with a hybrid breed called Favaucana. I’m in my 3rd generation. Still no consistency which is ok and colors and appearance all over the place. So couple questions:

      both breeds have beards and muffs as standard. When I produce the offspring some don’t have any beards or muffs. Why is that? Does that mean I don’t have pure birds? My foundation stock has those beards and muffs so why does some offspring not have it? Don’t understand

      second this season I produced an all white bird is this a recessive trait? None of my birds are pure white. He also has no beard or muff. I’ve attached a pic of my all white bird and foundation stock of a couple Breeders

    • #13527

      Kenny Troiano

      Hello Nicolle,

      The reason not all the offspring have the beards, is because the “Bearded trait” is a dominant trait, and your birds are not pure (heterozygous) for that trait. If you want to improve that trait, make sure to never breed to the non-bearded birds. To get to the point where you don’t see the non-bearded birds will take time. They will never be pure for the Bearded trait, but you can get to a point where it will be hidden, only to reappear when bred to another heterozygous bird.

      The white is a sport (mutation). White sports can occur in all breeds of chickens, and in all animals. It’s why we have white chickens today.

      I hope this helps.


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