Home Forums General Discussion Incubating Eggs

5 replies, 3 voices Last updated by Anonymous 4 years, 7 months ago
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    • #12575


      Hello everyone,

      I recently bought an incubator and placed ten eggs in it. I would like to place more eggs once a week. My question is on the last 3 days would the humidity effect the other eggs if I raised the humidity for the ones that are hatching.

      Also I’ve heard various things about the percentage of humidity what would you recommend for the humidity for the first 18 days and the last 3 days? Thanks in advance.

    • #12576


      Hi Cody,


      I am not a long time breeder by any means and I am just starting out myself but I would ask the more experienced members about dry hatching. Maybe just spritz the eggs with

      water after they pip? Just an idea that has worked well for me when higher humidity didn’t seem to do well for me during early development. I do now have TONS of knowledge

      on when to help and when not to help chicks hatch however.


      • #12582

        Kenny Troiano

        Hey Cody,

        I like to use 2 incubators for that reason. one for incubating and one for hatching. The humidity is very important. You do not want it too high or too low, and it can effect their development in the crucial stages.

        • the first 18 days should be about 55 to 65% humidity – it’s important to candle them to make sure they are right.
        • the last 3 days should be 65 to 75% humidity.

        your environment, where you live is a factor and will determine how much humidity you will need. You may go through a few hatchings before you get it right. But one you do, you are set. just repeat the same process.

        I’ve used the incubator from time to time, but I prefer the hen. I will use hens as much as possible.

        Hey Alayne – thanks for contributing!

    • #12583


      Thank you Alayne and Kenny. I appreciate the information I was definitely starting to worry. Kenny I currently only have 1 round head hen. Do you think it’s best for me to let her sit on the next clutch. I was planning on letting her sit on the last one but incubating the first few clutches. So that I can keep her laying to maximize the amount of chicks.

      • #12591

        Kenny Troiano

        Hey Cody, You should get as many chicks from her as possible. I would incubate or use foster hens to hatch her eggs for now. At the end of the breeding season, I would let her hatch the last clutch of eggs, so that you will know that she’s a broody hen, and is also a good mother. These are heredible traits that need monitoring.

    • #12596


      Thank you Kenny.


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