Home Forums Feeding and Nutrition My Recommend Pellet Ration

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2 replies, 3 voices Last updated by Anonymous 1 year, 6 months ago
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    • #11732

      Kenny Troiano

      A lot of you have asked me what I felt was the best Pellet Ration for mixing your feed. I use the Nutrina “All Flock Feed”. The title is misleading, but the best on the market today.

      Most Tractor Supply Stores carry it, and most feed stores can order it.


      If you go to the Members Resources, and click the Feeding Program tab, you will see my personal feeding program. This has worked great for me and many others. It will put good flesh, good feather, and health for your breeders and developing offspring.

      Here is the Pellets information

    • #14353


      I like the Kalmbach “full plum”. 20% protein and elevated amino acids

    • #15528


      I use naturewise all flock

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