Home Forums Health Care and Disease Prevention Not Merek's… ?

2 replies, 2 voices Last updated by Anonymous 4 years, 8 months ago
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    • #12294


      Hi Forum,
      I recently purchased 13 Orpington chicks and they are about 6 weeks old. On Sunday I noticed that one of the chicks was walking strangely and was not using it’s feet correctly and almost tripping itself so I separated it from the others but kept them all inside in my laundry room.
      Yesterday I took the other 12 outside to the little chick house and installed a heating pad and lamp (Florida lows of around 47-52) and called the USDA office, FFA office a few vets in my area and no one seemed to know where (or how) to report any possible cases of Marek’s disease or even where to take the chick to have it put down and a necropsy performed. No one seems to know who handles this, which is still a mystery here.
      I treated them all with a few drops of ivemec pour on for mites, gave them all fenbendazole/Safegard for worms and then gave the one that was no longer walking some oregano for vitamin B just in case though we are on Purina chick starter. I am also giving probiotics in the water for everyone.
      The first chick inside is no longer standing, is still drinking and eating occasionally with the cups of food and water beside it but I don’t know how to tell if he is dehydrated. It just flops around when I touch it with it’s eyes closed unless I really prod it. Now I have another chick in the coop outside that is starting to stumble. I was about to bring it back in when I went back over the list of Merak’s and took a look at my downed chick.
      Labored breathing – Maybe a little but not really
      Lameness – Yes not walking at all
      Paralysis – Not fully. The chick still kicks it’s legs one at a time and flops both wings at once just not coordinated for the most part enough to walk.
      Uncoordinated – Yes but still somewhat uses wings for balance flapping and kicking in a pattern
      Blindness – No I don’t think it is blind
      Paleness – Yes it is pale
      Pale scaly comb – No it is lighter in color but not scaly at all
      Greenish droppings – No they look to be more pasty dark brown to me but somewhat formed.
      Red around eyes – No
      Skin or leg lesions – No
      Right about then I wondered if giving a standard antibiotic would help. Recently we had an outbreak of colitis in several of our dogs lately.  The culture sensitivities were showing a strep bacteria that was a pretty strong strain but amoxicillin was at the top of the list for susceptibility. Everyone was treated and recovered quickly. I did notice that being paralyzed was in the list for staph infections but it only makes sense (to me anyways) that strep would also cause paralysis.
      I just dosed everyone with amoxicillin and now standing by to see if anything changes but does this sound plausible or am I just being guilty of hopeful thinking? Is this just Marek’s?
      Thank you for your help and time.
      Alayne Mullen

      • This topic was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by Kenny Troiano.
    • #12299

      Kenny Troiano

      Hello Alayne,

      We can do a coaching call if you like. But what I can tell you from your post is that it does sound like Marek’s to me.

      First, there are a number of forms of Marek’s, each affecting the body differently.

      Second, Marek’s is everywhere, and some birds are more susceptible than others. A matter of fact, hatcheries vaccinate the chicks within minutes after hatching to reduce exposure.

      Third, it doesn’t surprise me that you got the reaction you did.

      There is no treatment for Marek’s, and yet, rarely do I see it affect a whole yard. I would cull the birds that are symptomatic and watch the rest.

      I hope this helps. Let me know if you would like to do a coaching call.





    • #12546


      i just wanted to follow up on this and say that we had no more asymptomatic birds past the few. Per your recommendation I will not vaccinate and only keep the birds that live through it. Thank you for the advice.


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