Home Forums Feeding and Nutrition Podcast with Jeff Mattocks

17 replies, 6 voices Last updated by Anonymous 2 years, 10 months ago
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    • #12092


      not the best pic, but after listening to podcast, I was pretty happy with my feed. I get it from Baghdad Mills in Ky. I have a mixed flock all ages. Large Breed Orpingtons mostly.

    • #12094

      Kenny Troiano

      Hey M-Bird, I can’t read the label, can you post a clearer one? thanks

    • #12112

      Kenny Troiano

      I would really like to hear what you think about Jeff Mattocks interview, and the information he is providing on feeds, feeding, and nutritions. What changes do you plan to make on your feeding program?

    • #12129


      It was a very informative episode cant wait for next 2. How do I follow him on here I couldn’t figure it out?

      • #12135

        Kenny Troiano

        Hey Brooks, as far as following Jeff,

        He’s on vacation right now, so he won’t be on the website for another week or two.

        Try clicking this link. It should take you to his profile page. There you can click the follow button. You can also leave him a Private Message too.

        “Jeff Mattocks”



    • #12130


    • #12132


      I really enjoyed part 1 of podcast. Looking forward to the others.
      I think feeding is complicated. I typically have a mixed age flock, so I’m looking for the ‘happy medium’ so in my mind, that is 20 % protein chick starter, with oyster shells, which seems like a good calcium source.

      I ordered his book today as well.

      • #12137

        Kenny Troiano

        Hey M-Bird, thank you for ordering Jeffs book.

        The chick starter feed above looks pretty good overall. You can compare this tag with the his chick starter formula in his book.

        Check out page 77

    • #12221


      Read book! I think our pages may be different though. Mine don’t seem to correlate to yours.
      Looking at protein levels for breeding purposes. I says on my page 51, ‘Pasture Layer sample ration second laying cycle’ that if the protein level is too high. It makes jumbo or super jumbo eggs.

      also if I have access to all those ingredients

      alfalfa meal argonite corn grain oats soybeans- and can add fertrell vitamin mix, should I do that or just do the feed on the label above. super interesting, I have enjoyed learning. Appreciate the help! .



      • #12225

        Kenny Troiano

        I would contact Jeff Mattocks and ask him. I do know there are 2 or 3 versions of his book. He is a member of the Breeders Academy. You can go to his profile page and send him a personal message. You can also go to his podcast episode / show notes, where his phone number is and call him. He’s a great guy, and very helpful.

        If you have a question for Jeff, email at info@fertrell.com or call 717-367-1566. You can contact Jeff at jeffmattocks@fertrell.com.


    • #12231


      Great. I will do that.

    • #12271


      emailed with jeff. was super helpful. said that feed i was getting had wheat middlinigs and things that were not great. got me in touch with another feed provider that i an working with on my chicken food.


      • #12276

        Kenny Troiano

        Thats great!

        Jeff is awesome.

    • #13062


      I listened to the pod cast with Jeff two weeks ago and I really enjoyed it. I’m currently working to improve my feed plan and I really appreciate the information. I do have a question regarding grit. What is the best way to add it to the bird’s diet, top dressed over feed or separate feeder?

      • #13063

        Kenny Troiano

        Hello Mellissa,

        I’m glad you like the show with Jeff. I hope to get him on the show more often.

        As far as Grit, I would put it in a separate hopper or bowl, and let the birds each what they need at the time. If used for baby chicks, make sure to use the right size grit, and I would mix it into their feed.

        Hope that helps,


    • #13849


      Hope all is going good.

      I have a few question about the poultry show and breeder supplement I ordered it today and I was wonder how does the body come I wanted to feed it to my stags and was curious if it would make nice and full body? Also, when looking at there feces because it high protein does it come out with a lot of white in it?

      • #13850

        Kenny Troiano

        Yes, you will see better muscle and feather, and they will be healthier too. You will also see more activity as well.

        I’m not seeing excessive urates in the droppings, and Jeffs says that the extra proteins and amino acids are not harmful.

        It’s a great supplement. Glad you are giving it a try.


    • #14334


      Hey, I have been using “full plum” by Kalmbach as my pellet part of my feed. Is anyone else using this? What do you think of it?

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