Home Forums General Discussion Producing off spring with malnourished brood stock…

1 reply, 2 voices Last updated by Kenny Troiano 5 years, 3 months ago
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    • #11763


      During these last several weeks I’ve learned my birds weren’t receiving enough protien in the gamebird mix  I had been feeding . Since I changed up my feed my birds are more alert and they’re flat bodies are getting Fuller like footballs as before , my hens are laying again and this last batch hatched yesterday strong as can be. In the last several months I have had several hens set with a zero hatch rate and now the same hens are hatching as we speak. So my question is the survivors that did hatch during this time are 3 mo old do I cull them and start over or give them a chance?

    • #11769

      Kenny Troiano

      If they seem substandard, I would most likely cull them. You birds that get a poor start, usually don’t amount to anything. You need to ask yourself – Are you willing to spend the money to find out?

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