Home Forums Breeding and Selection Selecting birds

4 replies, 2 voices Last updated by Anonymous 4 years, 8 months ago
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    • #12441


      Kenny can you improve a family that ducks or need a bill hold to perform? What’s the best way to do this?

    • #12442


      Or is this a sign of needing new blood?

      • #12458

        Kenny Troiano

        Before you add new blood, have a question for you.

        Do all your fowl perform the same way? Or, do you have some that perform properly?

        If you get any that perform properly, then breed to those. Performance traits are selectable traits that can be improved through testing the progeny, selecting the the offspring that express the desirable traits, then breeding to those until the proper trait is exaggerated and expressed in future offspring.

        I would only add new blood if the trait is nonexistant in your strain. And if you do add new blood, the new bloodline must not only have the desirable trait, but has the least number of contrasting traits that would change your strain too much. I would also create a seperate sub-line to add the new blood into, rather than changing your present strain. This way you don’t ruin the strain while your are doing experimentations.

        Either way, I would like to talk with you one phone (coaching call) before you take such a leap.

    • #12461


      Kenny that was a question I was just curious of, luckily all mine dont duck and perform pretty good. More less just asking for my curiosity sake or possibly later on down the road. Thank you.

    • #12506


      • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by Kenny Troiano.
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