Home Forums General Discussion The founders Program

7 replies, 3 voices Last updated by Anonymous 5 years, 4 months ago
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    • #2200


      Hi kenny,


      That’s me read all of the Founders Program Course and found it all very interesting. I will have to read it all again for it to sink in and continually refer back to it for reference i’m sure.

      What do you suggest i move onto next?

      Many thanks

    • #2229

      Kenny Troiano

      For now, I would check out the Members Resources, so that you are up to date there. I would also check out the interviews and read the articles that best interest you. We are posting material and information on a regular basis, so check back often. 

      If you haven’t done so, make sure to sign up for the Members Newsletter. 

      And, if you have any questions, feel free to ask here in the forums. 

      Enjoy the site!


    • #2232


      Thank you 👍

    • #11502


      Hi mr Kenny, can u give me a brief understanding of the founders program. For example I have a kelso rooster from one farm and a kelso hen from another farm and I want to start a strain. Do I breed the sons to each other them to a line breed ?

      • #11507

        Kenny Troiano

        Hey Joe,

        I would start by using the Kelso cock from breeder “A” and the Kelso hen from breeder “B” as your Seed Fowl. Breed them, and try to produce as many offspring as possible. This will improve selection. The following breeding season, select the best Brother and breed him to his best Sister. Again, produce as many offspring as you can manage. This is phase 1 and phase 2 of the Founders Program.

        If you have not done so, make sure to read the “Founders Program.” Here is the link: (click here)

        Also, here is the “Quick Start Guide” for the Founders Program. (Click Here)

        These links will answer most of your question and guide you through the process.

        But, please, feel free to contact me if you need any clarification or have any questions. That is what I am here for.

    • #11515


      Thank u sir, ones I finish phase one. I’m not gonna use The seed A and  seed B ever ?

      • #11530

        Kenny Troiano

        The Seed fowl are your Adam and Eve. They have one job, to begin the family. If you go back to the Seed fowl, anytime, you are breeding backwards, and reintroducing faults and weakness that was improved through selection and breeding. 

    • #11535


      Thank u sir

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