No, Whole Oats are very low in nutrition, and they tend to stick in the birds crop. Also, if the oats are still green and not yet mature, it can make the birds sick. I avoid oats and don’t include it in my feeding program. I use Whole Red Wheat instead.
It was just curiosity, I did not use it. I was looking in my local store for a substitute to the pichon race mix food, and I noticed that detail of the oatmeal in the commercial food.
Do you like soaked oats any better, and by that I mean oats that have fermented? I like to mix some in with their regular feed. I would love to hear your thoughts.
Although there are some benefits to fermented seeds, there are risks as well. I’ve had problems in the past with unwanted bacteria and molds. There is a greater chance of getting your birds sick. I don’t like oats in any form. Oat hulls tend to collect in the crop, and oats in general are a high fiber, low protein and low energy feed source.
This reply was modified 7 years ago by Kenny Troiano.
Since we are the topic of whole oats … I use to give fermented oats but on one occasion during the process I didn’t add enough water to the barrel and they all started sprouting on day 2 after a hot day so my question is , Are those sprouts as nutritional as grass for my birds? I don’t give greens to my birds and this would be the easiest method for me .
Oats are very low in protein and are high in fiber. I am not a fan of oats for chickens. However, sprouted oats are very nutritious. It’s difficult to produce enough to make a difference, but sprouted oats is better than the seeds.