Kenny Troiano wrote a new post 4 years ago
The Most Common Mistakes of Backyard Breeders with Peter Brown
The Most Common Mistakes of Backyard Breeders with Peter Brown, “The Chicken Doctor” I happy to announce that we have a new memb […]
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Ethan Johnston are now friends 4 years ago
Kenny Troiano wrote a new post 4 years ago
Marek’s Disease with Dr. Rodrigo Gallardo
Today, we are talking with Dr. Gallardo about Marek’s Disease. This is a Pathogenic Virus, also known as Fowl Paralysis or Range P […]
Kenny Troiano and
Allen McGee are now friends 4 years, 1 month ago
Kenny Troiano wrote a new post 4 years, 1 month ago
Es esencial mantener individuos que porten el defecto
Para desempeñar la prueba adecuada de identificar posibles portadores de un defecto recesivo particular, es necesario retener a algunos individuos que porten […] -
Kenny Troiano wrote a new post 4 years, 1 month ago
Esto se logra por pruebas sistemáticas para detectar aves que portan pero no muestran el rasgo. Si el rasgo indeseable es conocido por ser un rasgo recesivo, usualmente es más práctico eliminar el problema al de […]
Kenny Troiano wrote a new post 4 years, 1 month ago
Coccidiosis with Dr. Rodrigo Gallardo
Coccidiosis with Dr. Rodrigo Gallardo DVM, PhD, Dipl. ACPV Associate Professor in Poultry Medicine School of Veterinary […]
Hello JMartinz,
This is something that I have talked about with Dr. Gallardo about, quit a bit. It’s becoming a trend, but I doubt most know the true consequences of using Copper sulfate. Would I use it to cure coccidiosis, no. There is no need to use Copper Sulfate, when Amprolium (known as Corid) works just fine.
Copper Sulfate is a very stringent chemical, which is very hard on internal tissues and causes burns.To show you how harsh it can be, cattle breeders use it to kill footrot in the hooves. If you give Copper Sulfate to chickens, in their drinking water, you will upset all the mucosa and microbiota, within the digestive system of the bird. So, it’s really not made for birds and chickens, and not a great idea for your strain.
Now, it’s true, it does kill everything, and yes, it will kill coccidia, but you might end up with another problem, such as necrotic enteritis, which is very hard to cure, due to the interruption within the mucosa. With that said, coccidiosis can be bad, but if you use Copper Sulfate, you could cause a more severe effect on the mucosa in the intestines, than coccidia can even cause by itself. And, the younger the bird, the worse it is. It’s really bad for young chickens and baby chicks.
I would be very careful about using chemicals, such as Copper Sulfate for your birds.
Most use Copper Sulfate out of desperation, mainly for the fact that they always have sick chickens, and they are looking for that medical golden bullet, which doesn’t exist.
My approach is through prevention and selection. I practice really good biosecurity and farm management. This way you won’t need medications and chemicals. I also practice a method of breeding, known as, Breeding for Improved Disease Resistance.
Great news, I’m presently working on a Program and Masters Class Video to show you how to improve your strain to be more disease resistant.
I hope this helps!
Kenny Troiano and
ELI SOLER are now friends 4 years, 2 months ago
Kenny Troiano wrote a new post 4 years, 2 months ago
November / December 2020 Newsletter
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!! A lot has happened the last two months, and it’s setting up for a great 2021. The me […]
Kenny Troiano wrote a new post 4 years, 3 months ago
Infectious Coryza with Dr. Rodrigo Gallardo
In this episode, we are talking with Dr. Rodrigo Gallardo, a Poultry Veterinarian from UC Davis, about Infectious Coryza, also […]
Kenny Troiano and
Jason Ward are now friends 4 years, 3 months ago
Kenny Troiano wrote a new post 4 years, 3 months ago
Fowl Pox with Dr. Rodrigo Gallardo (Updated)
Today, we are talking with Dr. Rodrigo Gallardo, a Poultry Veterinarian from UC Davis. In this episode, we will talk […]
Great show on pox, I especially liked the idea of double vaccination to make sure the vaccine took. Have you done a show on CRD yet? Would love to learn more about that one.
Thanks Matt, I’m grateful to have Dr. Gallardo on the show.
Yes, we plan to do CRD and Mycoplasma real soon.
We have also recorded Coryza and Coccidiosis. Marek’s is going to be recorded next week, and CRD after that.
I have learned so much from these interviews! Great content! Easy for a backyard hobbyist to follow and understand. I feel very empowered having this knowledge where as before, illness in my flock frightened me into making bad choices. Thank you and Dr. Gallardo!
That’s awesome Esther, so glad you are learning and enjoying the BA!
Kenny Troiano and
Matt Mertz are now friends 4 years, 6 months ago
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Jarquitt are now friends 4 years, 7 months ago
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Melissa are now friends 4 years, 9 months ago
Kenny Troiano and
Steven Michael are now friends 4 years, 10 months ago
Kenny Troiano changed their profile picture 5 years, 2 months ago
Kenny Troiano changed their profile picture 5 years, 2 months ago
Kenny Troiano wrote a new post 5 years, 6 months ago
Interview with the CDFA about Newcastle's Disease
Welcome to Bred to Perfection Episode 32 This is an interview with Dr. Frederic Cantor of the California Department of Food and […]
Hey Cody,
No, we can’t ship birds here in California yet. They just found 20 more cases of Newcastles Disease in the Riverside, San Bernardino and LA areas. These guy just don’t have a clue. They will never learn. We need 6 months of no new cases before The CAFA will lift restrictions on shipping and moving birds. Even after they lift restrictions, it will take the post office many more months before they open shipping again. This is going to take a while. -
Absolutely. If they are not careful, they are going to force the state to go to extremes, and that will hurt those that are doing it right.
Kenny Troiano and
Jrodriguez78 are now friends 5 years, 9 months ago
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